
What is induction heating? And how does it work?

Induction heating: the most efficient way to heat metals in a targeted way

The electric current flowing through the workpiece heats the metal.
This means that in induction heating the heat is introduced directly into the workpiece
without external influences, as is the case with flame heating or a furnace.
This makes the process particularly efficient.
It is also possible to heat non-conductive materials.
The surroundings are only indirectly heated.

The advantages:


Higher safety
no naked flame

Heating point precision
and standardized operation

Lowering costs
by more than 50%

Versatile, quite and easy use for process optimization

Product quality enhancemet

Factors affecting induction heating

The heating depth of the workpiece depends on the characteristics of the metal material.
In addition, the frequency of the current supplied by the machine has a significant influence on the heating depth.
High frequencies are mainly suitable for heating areas with well-defined contours and low penetration.
Low frequencies, on the other hand, are designed for high penetration depths.

The material, the heating temperature and the quantity of workpieces to be processed also have a decisive influence on the planning of the induction heating solution.
Instead, materials with special conductivity require a customised design.

Induction heating of the following materials is possible with various variations on thicknesses and application times::

  • Hard metals
  • Steel
  • Iron

Customised machines and projects on the following materials::

  • Copper
  • Copper alloys
  • Brass
  • Aluminium
  • Stainless steel
  • Tungsten
  • Chrome

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